Monday, January 6, 2014

Please. Please Keep Him

I'm pretty sure the Obama administration can make a deal with North Korea to keep Dennis Rodman.
From Fox News:  Hall of Fame basketball player Dennis Rodman arrived in North Korea Monday with a team of former NBA players in tow as part of the next step of his program of so-called "basketball diplomacy."
Taking his by-now customary route, Rodman arrived in Pyongyang via Beijing Monday with a squad of a dozen former basketball stars, including Vin Baker and Cliff Robinson, despite criticism from U.S. officials. 
The U.S. players are to compete in an exhibition game against a North Korean team on Wednesday, the birthday of North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un.
"It's about trying to connect two countries together in the world, to let people know that: Do you know what? Not every country in the world is that bad, especially North Korea," Rodman told The Associated Press in an interview outside his hotel before heading to the Beijing airport with the team.
"People say so many negative things about North Korea. And I want people in the world to see it's not that bad."
Ok, if North Korea isn't that bad, how about living there for a few years and see how you like it, ok Dennis the "Worm".

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