Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Now Obama Refuses To Pay Death Benefits To KIA Service Members

From Fox News:
The Pentagon’s decision to freeze death benefits for the families of fallen soldiers is “boneheaded” and an “in your face, middle finger to the military families,” Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif. said Tuesday on “The Kelly File.”
Hunter, a Marine combat veteran who served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, told Megyn Kelly the move by the Department of Defense “dishonors our fallen brothers and sisters. It breaks the trust…
“It needs to get fixed tonight,” he stressed. “(Secretary of Defense) Chuck Hagel should say ‘it’s fixed, we’re going to pay them.’”
The money could be wire transferred in the morning to the families, Hunter said.
He also urged “every single American, every news channel” to pressure the Defense Department “to get this right.”  http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/10/08/freezing-death-benefits-boneheaded-and-breaks-trust-rep-says/
The way Obama is pissing off the Veterans and military, is  it possible that we may have a military coup?
Probably not but then you just never know.

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