Thursday, October 10, 2013


From the LVRJ:
Photos of a female Durango High School student standing in a row of lockers in her underwear are spreading through the Twitterverse.
She holds her clothes to her face as students around her take cellphone pictures.
Tweets posted Wednesday claim she’s a special education student who was told by other students to undress, but other Durango students who posted claim otherwise. What happened, the subject’s student status, and whether she was coerced or voluntarily undressed, remains unclear.
As high school students across the Las Vegas Valley rapidly re-post the photo, bash Durango and debate the facts behind the snapshot this week, Clark County School District isn’t providing many answers to parents or the public.
District spokeswoman Melinda Malone confirmed Wednesday that the incident occurred Tuesday at the school, near Rainbow Boulevard and Russell Road, but would not offer details as to what happened, offering only a message that was sent home to parents at the southwest valley school.
My guess is that it was a special education student and if so, the student's teacher of record needs to answer some serious questions.
Also, the school in general needs to answers some questions, especially since they more than likely have video of the incident.

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