Thursday, October 10, 2013

Stay Classy Culinary Union Thugs

From the Las Vegas Sun: Video footage has surfaced showing a picketing Culinary Union member calling tourists “losers” and “jerks” for going into the Cosmopolitan.
The Alliance to Protect Nevada Jobs captured the video at a Culinary protest Oct. 5 outside the $4 billion Strip resort and today posted it on YouTube.
The alliance called the Culinary’s methods “unsavory” and asked elected officials to denounce the union’s tactics....
The APNJ, a project of the Workforce Fairness Institute, last week announced that it would launch a counter-demonstration during Culinary protests outside the Cosmopolitan. Instead of picketing, APNJ said it would distribute cards.
While the APNJ hands off the cards, the Culinary member pipes in. “You guys are a bunch of losers,” he yells, targeting a group of people walking through the Cosmopolitan’s front doors.
Later in the video, the man verbally attacks a couple.
“You and your wife are a bunch of losers,” he says. “Support the workers, guys...Don’t go inside of the Cosmopolitan.”
The culinary union is mostly occupied by thugs and illegals, so no wonder this behavior occurred.
Typical union thug in action:

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