Despite what Harry Reid campaign newsletter, The Las Vegas Sun says, Harry Reid is in trouble in his re-election bid. But I wonder if Reid was not the Senate majority leader, would he still be in trouble?
First, he would not have Obama licking his boots and vice versa. Reid is doing Obama's bidding, whether it is health care reform, cap and trade, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals, the failed stimulus bill and the TARP spending and all the other extreme liberal positions.
My guess, if Reid was just a senator, his views on most of these laws would be less extreme. He would have asked more questions, held out more for Nevada and he would be in the headlines less. He wouldn't have to do all the horse trading to get senators to vote his way. In fact, Reid could have been on the receiving end of the horse trading.
His influence also would have been lessened. For instance, if he were just another senator, we would not have seen the closing of Yucca and loss of the thousands of jobs there. He probably would not have the influence to shut down the power plants up north, thus costing the state more jobs. He may have not brought in some of those false green jobs we supposedly are getting.
It's no secret, when you become the Senate majority leader, you put your state second and your party's needs first until the last 9 months before your term expires. It happens with Democrats and Republicans. Same with minority leaders and probably the same on the House side.
I think if Harry Reid was just another senator in the Senate, we still would have the new VA hospital and I believe Reid would have been able to bring more federal dollars back to Nevada. Heck, he can't do much worse than he is doing now. Nevada would probably be better off if Reid was just another senator and he would have been able to accomplish more for Nevada he was elected to represent. Hell, if Reid was just another senator, he would have been able to spend more time in Nevada instead of living the high life at the Ritz Carlton in Washington D.C., and who knows, maybe his wife and daughter may not have been in that terrible accident.
And getting back to the original question, would Harry Reid be in trouble with being reelected if he were just another senator. I think the obvious answer is that Harry would have no trouble with any challenger and his polling numbers would be around 60% positive. When Reid speaks in a non-political events, he is a great speaker. I had the chance to hear him and John Ensign talk when came to speak to the new CCSD teachers in 2006. Harry came across as a very decent human being from a humble background. Hell, I would have voted for him then and he certainly outclassed Ensign who sounded like a pompous jerk.
So, if Harry was just another senator, he would not be in the trouble is in and he wouldn't have to be groveling to the voters to get their votes.
Power corrupts. For Nevada, we are seeing the results of power and it is not a good thing.
At the Prairie Café...
5 hours ago
You're right. Harry Reid's election challenge is a re-run of Tom Daschle's. Wonder why Nancy Pelosi isn't in trouble though?