Thursday, October 10, 2013

Another reason Why Governent Needs To Be Trimmed

From the LVRJ: Sen. Harry Reid is reopening his state offices on Thursday, recalling at least 18 staffers furloughed for the past 10 days during the government shutdown, his office said.
The shutdown is ongoing but aides to the senior Democrat are returning to work in Las Vegas, Reno and Carson City. He had been the only Nevada lawmaker to close offices while most of the government has been inactive.
“Now that we are at 10 days there has been a pretty big backlog of casework that was building up,” Reid spokeswoman Kristen Orthman said. “Obviously those who have been furloughed would rather be working so we re-examined the situation and brought additonal staff back.”
It was not immediately clear whether Reid also was recalling Washington staffers who had been furloughed. At the outset of the shutdown, he had sent home about half the roughly 100 people who work for him, leaving in place senior advisers, legislative assistants and communications aides.
100 people work for Senile/Coward/Liar Reid?  As what?  As orderlies?  Psychiatric nurses? Nurses aides to change his diapers?
No congress person should have 100 people working for them, including John Boehner, if he has that many people who live off the taxpayer dime.

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