Monday, October 7, 2013


A picture of the churlish buttons being sold in Anaheim was posted to Twitter, creating a firestorm of criticism.
From the New York Daily News:
Kentucky Fried CLINTON?
A vulgar button likening Hillary Clinton to a hen with "2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts… left wing" popped up at a GOP fest in California.
The churlish tchotchke targeting Republican enemy No. 1 was hatched up by an unknown vendor this weekend at the state's Republican Convention in Anaheim — where, ironically, outreach to female voters was on the agenda.
San Francisco Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci tweeted a photo of the distasteful giveaway — and sparked a firestorm online.
Read more:
Yeah, like Clinton and her ilk won't stoop any lower than this.  Oh wait they have- they destroy any person that gets in their way.
And I love the liberal commentary inside this news story.  For instance, why is this distasteful and pardon the writer's and my pun?

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