One of the slogans we had right after 9/1/01 was "United We Stand" and it is true, we were united right after 9-11. Congress and the President were on the same page and the public really didn't care whether you were a Democrat or a Republican or Independent. Race and religion, sans Islam, didn't matter much.
Then, as days and weeks went on, things began to change. The Democrats turned on George Bush, mainly because they didn't want to see him re-elected. Many who voted for the War in Afghanistan and Iraq suddenly had a change of heart decided they were misled or lied to, even though their leaders and most of the legislators received the same intelligence as the White House. Many of the liberals now call the wars illegal, even though President Obama has continued and even escalated the War on Terrorism.
The media then became more adversarial towards conservatives and developed even more of a double standard. Today, we even have the editor of the Las Vegas Sun hoping and praying for a natural disaster in Florida that can people and damage property all in the name of politics.
Nowadays, are we really united if another 9-11 happened on U.S. soil? I don't think so. President Obama is not a leader as George Bush was. Obama is a polarizing figure and people love him or hate him. His main objective in winning re-election is not to run on his record but to try and destroy the GOP candidate and Congress.
The Democrat's have taken a win at any cost measure in winning elections, even if that includes lying, calling names, cheating in elections and destroying another U.S. citizen's reputation, all in hopes of winning an election. The GOP is slowly adopting this election strategy.
He has his vice-president calling conservatives "terrorists". His union supporters call for taking out the GOP and the next day a mentally ill gunman takes out 3 uniformed National Guardsmen in Carson City.
When the massacre in Tuscon happened, the left immediately blamed the shootings on conservatives and Sarah Palin, even though, it turned out that the shooter was more liberal than conservative.
In Wisconsin, there is turmoil between the unions and the GOP led government.
Crybaby Harry Reid, who is a complete disgrace to Nevada, has been playing politics along. If the president is a Republican, block everything and if it is a Democrat, pass everything. And if something goes wrong, he doesn't take responsibility and blames others.
Obama Care has divided the country, especially the way it was passed. Bribes to legislators and strange times to vote on the bill were the only way to get ObamaCare passed.
The Tea Party is far from innocent, though tame by liberal standards. Many have questioned Obama's right to be president by stating that he was not born in the U.S. Many, including myself, have questioned his allegiance to Islam and Muslim countries. Conservative GOP members in Congress are trying to pass a Balanced Budget Amendment even though that may do more harm than good and they are delaying passing some needed laws because of it. And the filibuster has been greatly abused by both sides, to the point you need 60 votes out 100 to pass a law or confirm someone in the Senate.
Our economy is in shambles and both sides are playing politics with people's lives. Harry Reid has put about 10,000 out of work because of his personal beliefs. Millions of people are out of work and the inner cities of large cities almost destroyed because of the lack of work and the dependence on government.
The Democrats are stating on a regular basis that the GOP wants to kill seniors, the disabled and others who need government assistance or receive Social security. Meanwhile, it seems the GOP are out protecting the super rich, which in reality is good policy but bad public relations.
And more people seem to be less informed about what is going on in the U.S. by getting their news from a couple of liberal comedians and know more about American Idol and know what a Snookie is. Meanwhile the conservatives get their news from talk radio hosts who are more interested in selling books,
So, can we really be united if another terrorism attack hits the United States? I would hope so, but I sincerely doubt it.
1 hour ago
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