Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Fighting Supremes: A Win-Win For Conservatives

With the battle of the Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices, it seems like a he said, she said incident, but either way, it is a win for conservatives.
If Justice David Prosser did choke Justice Ann Walsh Bradley, he should resign. Then Scott Walker will name a replacement. Prosser is a conservative but has been known to stray off the conservative reservation from time to time.
If Bradley and/or Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson lied about this incident, they have to resign. Surprise, surprise, Scott Walker will name a successor. If they did make this up and they don't resign, which is most likely because liberals don't believe integrity when it comes to politics, then they can be impeached. And if that happens, Walker gets to replace the justices.
If the public wants to recall the justices, and Wisconsin is in the recalling mood, Bradley can be recalled immediately but Prosser can only be recalled after 1 year an election.
While I think this is much ado about nothing-a bunch of people who think they are a god who pissed each other off, this is probably going to a liberal nightmare rather than a conservative nightmare.
I don't think the liberal who wrote the first story on this, an extreme liberal, Bill Leuders, thought this thing through.