If Senile/Liar/Coward Harry Reid were a dog, he would be put down,.
If Senile/Liar/Coward Harry Reid were a horse, they would shoot him to put him down.
If Senile/Liar/Coward Harry Reid were mosquito, he would have been squished.
If Senile/Liar/Coward Harry Reid was an average citizen, he would have been committed to a mental hospital a long time ago.
But because Senile Reid is a Democrat and the water boy for Obama, nothing will be done to this bastard.
Last night, 7 Marines were killed in Nevada in a training accident. And so what does the ass hole Reid do? He politicalizes it.
From ABC News: Democrat Harry Reid commemorated the seven Marines killed in an explosion at Hawthorne Army Depot in his home state today, and called for an end to sequestration budget cuts at the Department of Defense....
The Senate majority leader began his speech on the floor today expressing his condolences for those who died and their families, but soon turned to the sequester cuts.
“One of the things in sequester is we cut back in training and maintenance. That’s the way sequester was written,” the Nevada senator said. “It’s just not appropriate, Mr. President, that our military can’t train and do the maintenance necessary. These men and women were Marines who were training there in Hawthorne, and with the sequester, it’s going to cut this stuff back.” http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/03/harry-reid-commemorates-dead-marines-calls-for-end-to-sequester/
I am being serious about this, but for the good of Nevada and the country, it would not make me sad if Reid keels over of a heart attack. He is a disgraceful human being, not worthy of sharing the oxygen with anybody else.
Of course, I am not advocating someone take Reid out, but if an artery becomes too clogged, well, that would be good news for Nevada.
The lake and the marsh.
3 hours ago
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