Congratulations to the MFD for donating a pumper truck that was going into retirement to the city of Morogoro, Tanzania.§ionId=46
A city of 300,000 just doubled their number of fire trucks, from 1 to 2. This is what firefighting is all about- mutual aid no matter what the distance is between cities.
Post Office Games
21 minutes ago
My wife and I began Hope in Tanzania Foundation over 5 years ago and initiated the sister city relationship between Morogoro and Milwaukee.
ReplyDeleteBravo and many thanks to the Milwaukee Fire Department for their tremendous support and time they took to train the Tanzanian firefighters on their new fire engine.
No thanks to the city of Milwaukee and the politicians who have taken all credit for this initiative. Hope in Tanzania Foundation made it happen from start to finish and we just wanted to set the record straight. We fund our organization and work for Tanzania on our own dime, so to have the city of Milwaukee politicians taking credit is too much to take.
While it would not have been possible to do this without the City of Milwaukee, please let it be known that the private interests of a few have kept this relationship from thriving