Friday, March 8, 2013

Gee, Who Would Think The Gangs Would Have Listened

You just have to laugh when liberals try to control gang thugs.
From the San Fran Chronicle: In a drive to calm gun violence in Oakland, hundreds of law enforcement officers raided 24 homes in four cities Friday, arresting more than 18 people who were identified as central players in the bloodshed.
The predawn searches, most in East Oakland, were heavily focused on the Case gang, one of two warring groups that Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan has said are responsible for much of the city's violence in the past year.
In October, as part of the Operation Ceasefire program, police and community groups sat down members of the two gangs and a dozen other gangs, offering them education and job training but warning strict consequences if they did not put down their guns.
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Gee, trying to coddle gang thugs just didn't seem to work.  Who would have thought?

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