Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Good For Her (The Surrogate) Kinda Of

From the San Fran Chronicle: When a Connecticut couple learned their surrogate mother was carrying a fetus with developmental disabilities, they offered her $10,000 to have an abortion, reported CNN.
Crystal Kelley, 29, demanded $15,000 to undergo a procedure that she claimed went against her religious beliefs.
The unnamed couple refused and a legal battle over the surrogacy contract and the child’s fate followed.
In August 2011, Kelley had signed an official contract with a surrogacy agency saying that she’d agree to abort if the fetus had a severe abnormality. Now she was carrying a disabled child, but she didn’t want to honor the agreement.
Determined to give the fetus a chance at life, Kelley fled Connecticut for Michigan, where under state law the surrogacy contract would be disregarded and she would be recognized as the legal guardian.
In Ann Arbor, she gave birth to a child with severe medical conditions.
The woman should never have demanded $15,000 if it went her religious beliefs.  Religious beliefs are that and cannot be bought.
But I am glad she gave birth to the child, despite the birth defects and disabilities.  The baby is still a human being and deserves to live.

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