Monday, March 10, 2014

Didn't Ted Cruz Do This?

Democrats Gather Before Their talk
Didn't Ted Cruz hold an all night talk-a-thon about the debt ceiling?And wasn't Cruz ridiculed by the Democrats? (and some Republicans)Well, look what the idiot Democrats are doing tonight:
From the Christian Science Monitor: On Monday night, Senate Democrats are hosting a rare pajama party of sorts, conducting an all-night “talkathon” on climate change – minus the pajamas, and definitely minus some of their colleagues.
Twenty-eight Democrats and two left-leaning Independents, including Senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada and his top lieutenants, are scheduled to speak in shifts until about 9 a.m. Tuesday. The event is not a filibuster, nor is it related to any legislation. The intent is to urge a divided Congress and nation to “wake up” on this issue.
At least Cruz talked about something important- the budget and debt.
Unlike the Democrats who believe in crackpot science that has been debunked and is supported by a bunch of scientists who make a whole lot of money off of global warming/climate change.
Update: Meanwhile, above, here is the weather service warning/advisory map.  Look at all the winter storm warnings and watches out west and in the east:


  1. Ted Cruz was ridiculed for pretending his talk was a filibuster.

  2. And no way, no how has climate change been "debunked." There is a scientific consensus among climate scientists that it is happening, and is likely man-made.
