"Rob Ford: the mayor who won't even follow the dimensional rules of time," Toronto sports writer Bruce Arthur tweeted in one response to the gaffe. http://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Mayor-Rob-Ford-gets-daylight-savings-time-wrong-5301766.php
And from the San Fran Chronicle: He bobbled the spelling, but President Barack Obama had nothing but R-E-S-P-E-C-T for the "women of soul" who shook and rattled the rafters of the White House on Thursday night.
"What a lineup!" Obama declared at the outset of a concert that featured a generations-spanning array of soul singers that stretched from musical legends Aretha Franklin and Patti LaBelle to 20-year-old Ariana Grande.
Obama paid tribute to Franklin for turning her signature song "Respect" into "a rallying cry for African-Americans, women and then everyone who felt marginalized."
The pumped-up audience gave a hearty laugh but was more than willing to forgive the president for spelling it "R-S-P-E-C-T." http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/article/Obama-shows-his-R-E-S-P-E-C-T-for-women-of-soul-5294057.php
Rob Ford gets tar and feathered for making a goof while Obama gets glorified and the paper ignores his stupid mistake.
Liberal bias is alive and well in the San Fran chronicle, a liberal newspaper that is good for being the paper that is put in a bird cage to catch the bird poop that is a worth gift to it's editors and writers.
Yep, if it had been Bush who misspelled RESPECT, we would have had a good laugh, goodness knows. However, it should be noted, Bush "misspoke" a whole heckuva lot more often, and much more curiously: "put food on your family," "make the pie higher," etc.