Sunday, January 5, 2014

Obama Loses Fullujah

So, Fullajah in Iraq fell to Al Qaeda.
Americans lost their lives taking over and defending Fallajah.
Why did we do this?
From Fox News: In his first remarks since Islamic militants with Al Qaeda ties overran the Iraqi cities of Fallujah and Ramadi, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry promised support for Iraq's government, but emphatically rejected any possibility that the U.S. would send troops back into the country, saying of the Baghdad government "this is their fight."
Speaking as he left Jerusalem for Jordan and Saudi Arabia on Sunday to discuss his effort to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians, Kerry said, "We will stand with the government of Iraq and with others who will push back against their efforts to destabilize ... We are going to do everything that is possible. I will not go into the details."
Kerry then added, "We are not contemplating putting boots on the ground."
Meanwhile, Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has vowed that government troops would remain in the Anbar region until the militants, known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), are "eliminated."
"There will be no retreat until we eliminate this gang and rid the people of Anbar of their evil acts," al-Maliki said, according to Sky News. "The people of Anbar asked the government for help, they called us to come to rescue them from terrorists."
Sky News also reported that ISIL had received a boost in recent days from local Sunni tribesmen, who had joined them to fight the forces of Iraq's Shiite-led government. That marks a chance from the years prior to the U.S. withdrawal, when major Sunni tribes turned against Al Qaeda.
Obama just disgraced the troops who died and were injured.
But Obama doesn't care. He is just a POS who is only looking after his legacy.  Everyone else be damned.

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