Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wouldn't It Be Nice If....

Wouldn't it be nice if the mainstream media would cover all of Presidential Obama's scandals, along Eric Holder's scandals, Hillary Clinton's scandals, ObamaCare scandals etc. with the same fervor they are going after Chris Christie.
After all, we are talking about a couple day traffic jam versus the biggest fraud in the United States history (You can keep your insurance, doctor, hospital under ObamaCare) the political use of the IRS against conservatives, Fast and Furious where a Border Patrol agent was murdered because of Holder and Obama, Benghazi where 4 people died including an ambassador and the cover up since then, the bombing of foreign countries without any kind of declaration of war and so on.
And this from the Wall Street Journal: Now that we have your attention, allow us to explain. Governor Chris Christie apologized to New Jersey on Thursday for aides who closed traffic lanes in order to punish a Democratic mayor, and he fired a deputy chief of staff. We mention the IRS because Mr. Christie's contrition contrasts so sharply with President Obama's handling of the tax agency's abuse of political opponents and his reluctance to fire anyone other than a military general for anything.
When was the last time Obama fired anyone, other than military Generals?
Yep, 2 different standards- one from liberals who can get away with anything and conservatives who can't.


  1. Calm down, Dan, this scandal just got going! ObamaCare has been beaten like a rug since. . .god, I can't remember when. Can't we have fresh scandal for a little while? This is why we can't have nice things. . . ;)

  2. Well, I am not a Christie fan and I really do get tired of the one a day Obama scandal, so yeah, it is interesting.
