Monday, January 6, 2014

ObamaCare Disaster: Still A Disaster

From Fox News: While the Obama administration is congratulating itself for signing up 2.1 million people in private plans on state and federal health care exchanges, some analysts say it's a little early to uncork the champagne.
Robert Laszewski of Health Policy and Strategy Associates says, "ObamaCare has proven that it can enroll the sick people. To only have 2 million people enrolled out of 20 million uninsured, plus all the canceled policies, indicates you only got a very small group of people enrolled."
That's not even enough, he and others argue, to make up for the policies that were canceled because they didn't meet the requirements of ObamaCare.
Even the 2.1 million signed up through the end of December 2013 is far short of the administration's own goal of more than 3.3 million by the end of December – a number projected last September by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or CMS.
And that figure was just a stepping stone to the eventual goal of 7 million by the end of March.
Even if the 2.1 million is correct and I highly doubt it- I think they are lying- they are still way behind from just the people who have been kicked off their insurance because of ObamaCare.
And the vast majority of people who will sign up for ObamaCare already have done so.
And we don't know who have signed up.  Are there enough young and healthy adults signing up to off set the cost of the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions.
Also, the Obama
ObamaCare has been a total disaster and it's time to gut it and keep only things that benefit people- which is not very much.

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