Monday, January 6, 2014

Why I'll Never Give Help To Any Beggar, Hobo Or Homeless Person On The Street

Even though I probably shouldn't do it, every now and then I will give some money or helping hand to someone on the street, especially if they have a good story.
But no more.
About a month ago, a guy accosted my wife when she was in a Wal-Mart shopping center.  He asked for help and when my wife opened up our ash tray to give him some coins and the thug demanded she give him the entire ashtray.  She refused and the guy got pissed and starting getting out control.  Luckily, she was able to get away from the thug.
Then a few weeks ago, we were up in the Summerlin area and were getting gout of our car when another thug came up and hassling her for some money.  To shut him up, she gave him a couple of dollars.
Today, at a local Circle K, I was getting gas and a young lady came up asked for some gas- not money, to get home in California.  Well, getting someone back to California should be every Nevadan's obligation.
I offered to give them $5 of gas.  Well, after $5 went in, I asked her to hang up the hose and she refused and I asked another time and she refused.  I had to take the hose out of her and turn off the pump and they ended up getting about $12 of gas.  They gave me a sob story that they were poor and I told her I had to work 2 jobs.
So, because these thugs getting rude and greedy, I no longer will be giving anyone on the street any money.  I probably shouldn't do it in the first place but I guess I won't be doing it any more.

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