Today, the first Democrat signed the discharge petition to overturn ObamaCare.
From The Washington Examiner: With this news I think we can say that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, is officially politically toxic. Heritage Action for America just sent out the following press release:
Today, Mississippi Democrat Gene Taylor became the first Democrat to sign Discharge Petition #11, which would force a vote on repealing the unpopular law. Representative Taylor’s decision marks a new phase in the campaign to repeal Obamacare, which Heritage Action for America launched in June.
“We are pleased to see Representative Gene Taylor choosing principle over party,” Heritage Action CEO Michael A. Needham said. “His commitment to representing his constituents, who have been opposed to Obamacare from the beginning, is refreshing.”Read more at the Washington Examiner:
This is good news. What is even better news is that Dean Heller signed the petition on July 28th. I don't there was much, if any news about this.
Currently, there are 172 House of Representatives members that have signed the discharge petition.
Let's get some more signatures and repeal that awful bill that is full of fraud, lies and raise health insurance rates astronomically.
The lake and the marsh.
3 hours ago
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