Sharron Angle has been hit with a lawsuit about copyrite infringement lawsuit by Righthaven. Fair enough, but before Harry Reid goes off all hog wild and starts to laugh at Angle, he better watch out.
On Harry's web site, they also have full length article from the Las Vegas Sun:
Ok, even though the Las Vegas Sun says they send out e-mails to ask web sites to abide by copyrite laws, I highly doubt the Sun will do this to their benefactor, Harry Reid.
But Harry Reid better not bring this issue up because they would by hypocrites. But that probably won't stop them. But if he does, I'll be prepared.
BTW, do you think the LVRJ will report this story?
Update: The LVRJ did run a story on this issue:
Sunrise — 6:29.
3 hours ago
I'm amazed that the RJ reported this, frankly. And I'd be surprised if Harry made this an issue. Maybe he will, of course. But I'm a liberal, and I thought this was ridiculous. If the RJ actually feels that this was out of bounds, a sternly worded letter, a cease and desist or something would be warranted. But $150,000? Really? Sheesh.