Welcome to another week of Pawn Stars. Just a word of caution, Pawn Stars is just a TV show, meant for amusement and same with this blog it is for fun and information.. In one post, things got a little heated and it really isn't appreciated. http://lasvegasbadger.blogspot.com/2011/07/pawn-stars-update-pawn-stars-wrong-on.html
Thank you for your reading this and other posts.
In the first episode, the first guy brought in Buffalo Ben chest. A large leather chest, along with a ventriloquist doll. Buffalo Ben played in Buffalo Bill's show in the early 1900's. The package also came with some puppets. Time for the expert, Steve. Steve described Buffalo's resume but never heard of Buffalo Ben. He didn't think the stuff was interesting but Buffalo Ben was not associated with Buffalo Bill. Time for another expert, Johnny. Johnny, owner of the Toy Shack from Vegas and he looked at the Punch and Judy puppets. The ventriloquist dummy was a really scary looking doll- vampire like. Johnny thought the things were $5000 for everything. The guy wanted $5000 and Rick offered $3000- box not included. $3200 was Rick's next offer- sold for that amount.
Then Rick and the Old Man went to a person's house and looked at an old phone booth. It had an old phone in it, maybe from around 1930's. Does they even have phones anymore? I can't remember ever seeing a phone booth in Vegas. The guy wanted $1200 and Rick offered $600 and another no sale at a person's home.
The next guy brought in 3 old railroad lamps- 2 clear and a red light and the story is that railroaders started the term "red light districts" for prostitutes. The guy wanted $700 and Cory offered $500 and then $520 and that was the deal.
The next guy brought in a high school year book with Ronald Reagan in it. He played football and was in the school plays. It also came with a letter addressed to the seller's granddad. Drew came in (different from the other week when John came in. though I hear John might do some work later on the show)
Anyways, Drew said the letter was real. The letter was from a time Reagan was not president. Corey offered $1800 and the guy wanted $2500. The guy went down to $2100 and Corey offered $2000 and that was a deal. It's a shame the guy had to sell something personal from his grandfather, but times are tough.
In the second episode, the first lady brought in some an antique military cigarette lighter along with a photo album from the Cold War in the 1950's. It had pictures o actors, ID badge and more. Rick offered $500. She wanted to keep the photo's and just wanted to sell the ID and lighter. Rick then offered $50 and the lady offered $75. Sale price $60.
The next guy brought in a picture of Roy Rogers and a shirt of his. Roy Rogers, not only was a big actor, he and his wife were big supporters Bethesda Lutheran Home in Watertown, WI., which serves the mentally and physically disabled. The guy wanted $3000 and Rick offered $1000 and then $1100. Final price was $1150.
The guy next brought in a bunch of Star War items. The guy had a lot of Star War games and other items. He had about 200 boxes of items. Many of them were from the first TV series star Wars. The guy $14,000 so it was time for an expert.
Johnny made his second appearance of the night and he thought the collection was worth up to $9000. (BTW, Corey has lost a lot weight) Corey offered $4000 and then $6000. Then Corey sounded like a smart ass to the customer and the final price was $6100.
The next guy wanted sell an antique cannon that was on the show Magnum P.I. They had a background picture of Mount Charleston with snow on it. Looks like the back end of the Mountain, that you can see from Pahrump. Sean was the expert and he couldn't say for sure how much it was worth, especially dealing with auctions.
They fired the cannon and it worked very well. The guy wanted $60,000 but Rick offered $12,000. The guy then asked for $40,000 and Rick then offered $15,000. The guy's final offer was $35,000 so, there was no sale.
The next guy came in but the Old Man was there by himself along with another employee. Kind of what it is like most of the times.
The Old Man offered pizza to the crew working at the shop but not for Rick, Chumlee or Corey because the Old Man was pissed he didn't go fire the cannon.
On the next show, the Pawn Stars were on "Top Gear" and talked about their first cars.
The Future You Live In
2 hours ago
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