The Clark County School District failed to meet the NCLB for the fourth time in 7th years. While most urban areas in the country would like to make NCLB at least once, like Milwaukee, this is a disappointment.
As a teacher in CCSD, I am not too surprised. I have seen the huge classrooms in my school I teach at. I seen what cuts have done as well. I also seen what not having properly trained teachers can do and cannot do. I see what happens when there is a good teacher in the classroom vs a bad teacher in the classroom. I also see what happens when a teacher is overburdened and should not be in the classroom.
Things will not get better as well. Even if a school district continues to improve it's test scores, the standards are also getting stronger as well. By the 2013-14 school year, they want 100% of students to pass proficiency tests. That is impossible at any school district, unless a school district does not have special education students.
In addition, with budget cuts, real budget cuts, not like the fake ones in Wisconsin, it will make things more difficult in the CCSD to make NCLB in the following years.
I have mixed feelings about NCLB. I think NCLB has improved the public schools, especially in the basics or reading, writing, math and science. However, with impossible standards in the upcoming years, school districts will just say "screw it" and totally disregard NCLB, thus making the law irrelevant.
The lake and the marsh.
3 hours ago
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