A new TV show on the History Channel debuted today, Pawn Stars. It is a reality show based on a pawn shop in downtown Las Vegas. The show revolves around 3 generations of a family in the pawn business.
The show is more about the pawn industry and really doesn't include the Las Vegas angle, other than a guy selling a Roman suit of armor. It does show some sites around Vegas, including the alley in a ghetto area of Vegas.
We have hundreds of pawn shops in Vegas- you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one, it seems. The show shows promise and it is interesting to see how the pawn shop industry works, especially in this economy.
Las Vegas has been hit hard by the recession/depression and the pawn shops play an important role. They are providing a service by loaning money to people who no longer have credit but have things to sell. They are not like payday loan companies, who charge outlandish fees and interest and keep charging it until they bleed you dry. It is not like banks and credit unions where you have to prove you don't need a loan before they give you a loan.
So, I hope the show works out for the family. I look forward to going there one day and maybe even buying something. Hopefully, they will have more of a Las Vegas angle.
1 hour ago
I am on my way to vegas for the first time and vegas pawn stars is one of my top 5 " to visit places." I am hoping to say a quick hello to the older gentleman. He has given myself and my boyfriend a few chuckles. Our favorite is the cus jar. Cant wait to say hello and keep up with the show. Good luck boys.
ReplyDeleteHey good luck with that cause you will never see any of them there. lol
DeleteI can NOT believe the show stated the Spanish Crown "pawn" their jewels!!!! in 1492! OMG! are you people for real???? Please do NOT broadcast USA shows in Europe if you continue to be so ignorant. Once again, the United States of Ignorance has proven where they come from.... Mexico!!!
ReplyDeleteFrom what I have seen it could go either way. I have seen reports saying that she offered to pawn the jewels and just about everyone is saying that.
ReplyDeleteDid she actually pawn them? I have web sites that say yes and others that are inconclusive. No web site said no, she did not pawn them.
my husband are I are returning to Vegas in Nov. we plan to visit the pawn stars shop. we watch there show every week.
ReplyDeleteNicole, if you go, make sure you go to the store in the afternoon. They shut their doors early and you won't be able to get inside after about 6:00.
ReplyDeletePawn Starts is one of my favorite shows on TV and I just love "the guys". Wish they would make more episodes. Their shop will be on the top of my "to do" list when I return to Vegas.
ReplyDeleteI think they are making more episodes- they are still filming as of about a month and a half ago.
ReplyDeleteI see a Pawn Stars spin off starring the real star of the show........Chumley! He cracks me up.
ReplyDeleteI visited the pawn shop recently and met the old man. I was looking at a Harley in the back, he took me back there and I got to meet Chumlee, he's not well either. (nutty as a pet coon) I strongly advise to stop and visit the place, the people there are extremely cordial and will stop and shoot the breeze with you.
ReplyDeletenot anymore they wont. They are big stars now and dont even work at the pawn shop. Chumlee get 20 thousand dollars an episode, so you can imagine what the rest get. Its all hollywood and all scripted just like any other show. It is very misleading because in reality they do not buy most of the "interesting" stuff you see on there. Thats just for the show. There are about 10 people working that pawnshop due to the huge amount of tourists they get, but you wont recognize any of the employees. It also says it is a 24 hour store...not!
DeleteAwesome. We are visiting Vegas next week, and plan to visit this pawn shop. I am glad to read that the people there are nice, you never know! We own a pawn shop, and love to visit others, so of course this one is a must see! Thanks for this info!
ReplyDeletei like pie
ReplyDeleteWe are going to Vegas in Jan. One of our main stops will be the pawn shop. We watch the show and love all the guys. Hope to get to meet them and hope they will let me get a picture of them for my scrapbook.
ReplyDeleteWell, the Old Man probably will be there. Of all the times I have stopped by, I have seen Rick only once and none of the other guys at all. Seems like the guys are enjoying themselves very much while the Old Man keeps the store running.
ReplyDeleteIs Chumlee really that dumb or it it part of the act for the show?
ReplyDeleteI think most of it is TV. But please remember, he was smart enough to get on TV. there are numerous employees at the pawn shop, from security to slales to the night shift. Of all the employees, Chumlee is the only non-relative to be a regular on the show. No other employee has speaking parts, if they are not relatives of the owners.
ReplyDeleteI would love to visit also. All I get is that they are 'downtown' Vegas, which is actually a fun place. Any address or directions possible? Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe name of the shop is the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop. The address is 713 S. Las Vegas Blvd. It is about a mile south of Fremont St and about a mile or so north of the Stratosphere. It is in the middle of Gass and Garces Ave.
ReplyDeleteWe stopped by the shop this past weekend and it was great. They were actually filming while we were in there. Chumlee was very cordial and let us take many pictures of him. Everyone was extremely nice.
ReplyDeleteThat's cool. I've never met Chumlee yet and you were in while they were shooting. Pretty good timing.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the address of the pawn shop in Pawn Stars?
ReplyDeleteThe address and telephone number is : 713 Las Vegas Boulevard South
ReplyDeleteLas Vegas, NV 89101-6755
(702) 385-7912
Dan, thanks for taking time to answer questions
ReplyDeleteit really helps.
Just came back from Vegas and we stopped by the pawn shop from "Pawn Stars". I gotta say we were really disappointed, we love the show but were really let down by seeing it for real. Firstly, there was a line up to get in and a huge bouncer at the door. We were really hoping to see some cool things, but instead were herded around the shop in a line and could not look at anything. The bouncer then loudly announced if " anyone was in here for more than 10 minutes please get out." Chumlee came out and some chick screamed, ran over and asked for his autograph.. he quickly retreated. My husband ever frustrated with the whole "fame" thing left.. disappointed. We watch the show but not being "fame" people, were perhaps naively expecting a well presented shop with interesting articles. Instead, we found a over publicized dirty crowded shop that one could not browse in. I doubt that they can sell anything in that shop, but must now depend on out of store sales and the profits from A&E. Oh yes, the entire back of the store is devoted to "Pawn Stars" t-shirts and $10 cheap glass crap mugs. If you think that you are going to go in and see the "Old Man", Rick or Chumlee sitting around the counter as you see on t.v. you will be disappointed. The place is small, grubby and poorly lit.. the image.. people et.al. is strictly for t.v. entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel. Right after the show started, you could walk in the store and actually shop. Now, I just don't see how the store survives other than from money from the History Channel. They have poor customer service (it took us 15 minutes to check out when purchase something last time)
ReplyDeleteYou would have a hard time finding Chuimlee, Rick and Hoss in the shop, but the Old Man does actually work there and is there most of the time.
With exception for some young staff, anyone that would have been recognizable from the show were behind closed doors. It was absolute mayhem. I agree, without the History Channel ( sorry, I put A&E), I doubt they would survive with the sales from their shop.
ReplyDeleteVery sad. I was going to stop by in a few days, but I don't think I will squeeze the shop into my agenda. Thanks for the warning.
ReplyDeletejune 6 2010. I was there. I was amazed at how crappy a place it was.The show is full of itself. Rick has more friends to help him then people i know. the people there just stood around and looked stupid. If you really want to see a pawn shop and see what really goes on then come to see me.I own two
ReplyDeleteWow heasding out tomoorow and was looking forward to viditing the store. Hoping to have a bit better luck.............
ReplyDeleteIf you visit, visit early in the morning, it's going to be in the hundreds and if standing in line, it's going to be very hot. You are standing on the cement, next to a bright building.
ReplyDeleteI was there in May with my 7yr old about 11:00am we stood in line forever and boy was it hot...The people behind me had said they had been there a few times and the only time they stood in line like we did was when the are filming....They let a group in every now and again (not ever 10 min) we stood there for a hour and we were just past the bld when we got there and the line never moved...as we pulled up there were letting a group in and in a hour that is the ONLY time that line moved needless to say we left.We have lived in Vegas for 5 years and we are use to the heat but my son didnt want stand there any longer and cant say i blamed him since we didnt see any progress of even getting in! Gonna try it again nexr week!
ReplyDeleteI don't blame you, but try again- they have built an addition to allow more people in and they are not filming now, so you probably can get right in.
ReplyDeleteNot a good way to run a business,
I DON T KNOw why you make such a big fuss... I have visited the store twice and got pictures with the Old Man and Rick and chumlee they are so cordial and cool, maybe people go and expect to become stars themselves... Or to have a red carpet for them.. WRONG please be patient and understanding when visiting a nice shop like Gold and Silver Pawn Shop. Greets to Old Man, Rick, the big Huss and everybody in there
ReplyDeleteI am going soon what is their address ?
ReplyDeleteThe address is 713 S. Las vegas Blvd. Between Gass and Garces Ave's.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I agree, some people want to be stars and that's not how it works. Shooting takes place after the store closes (these is a night door where you can do business but cannot go into the shop)
I've met everybody but Chumlee. Everyone was nice, but the Old Man is all business and also the most accomodating.
i was there and def not what i expected. not looking for fame but maybe a good buy.well if you dont walk in there with 10k in your pocket you arent buying much. the staff was about selling tee shirts and what have you. not really about asking what you are looking for. yea its cool to be in the shop but need something different. aaron
ReplyDeleteJust came back from Vegas and had a chance to visit the Gold and Silver Pawn shop. Stood in line for 20 minutes but got in with no fuss. I love watching the show and was hoping to see Chum Lee and the gang but none were there. The shop is a dumpy looking pawn store (looks much better in the show) with a few interesting items most that we have seen in the show. Full of t-shirts and other Pawn Star memorabilia and the actual goods seemed very overpriced. If you enjoy the show don't visit the store it will destroy the illusion of the show. But it is par for the course because Vegas is full of illusions and looking at the reality of the true Vegas can be sobering.
ReplyDeleteMust agree they move you along like cattle.
ReplyDeleteIts more like a museum feel to the place don't touch don't ask almost don't look.
Saw a chair there could barly make out the sticker on it but price said 60 grand.
So i asked they guy why is was worth so much, he grunted and said because its on the shelf.
So i said wow so if you put somthing on that shelf it becomes worth 60 grand cool"
I suggest go there get a shirt cause thats all they really sell now but don't expect a pic with any of the main guys.
I wouldn't give them the time of day!! And who the hell is this Dan guy that keeps commenting!!
ReplyDeleteI hate this show, I used to like it but I realized they only care about profit and money, and the show it's self got so boring..
ReplyDeleteI recommend American Pickers, it is much better show with a real interest in the history it self and the story behind the items not only MONEY MONEY MONEY IM A MONEY PIG GIMME MONEY WE ARE IN VEGAS MAAAH
Hell-oo! Businesses are in business to make money. You can't fault them for that. It's the celebrity seekers who have clogged up the store.
ReplyDeleteHow can then do business when so many people are only there to gauk at "celebrities". OI love the show. The characters are interesting as well as the items brought in to sell or (rarely) pawn. The Pickers are out to make money, too. Don't you get it!!
what a dump, if it wasnt for the show this place couldnt survive, dirty and small. and the people working there think your a waste of their time. i dont watch the show no more, cant stand arrogant greed people
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head! anyone that visits will come to the same conclusion Im sure. It is a dump....and you wont see any of the stuff you see on tv. Matter of fact I think they use a different shop completely for filming.
DeleteWell, you are correct, the place is a dump, though it is better than before.
ReplyDeleteBut most Pawn Shops in town look a whole lot better and cleaner than the G&S. Just wonder how they got the gig.
My husband and I were in Vegas for a week. One of our stops were to visit the Pawn Stars. After standing in line for 45 minutes we finally got in. After buying tee shirts and a necklace and racing car. Corey came out from in back. My husband and I went up to shake his hand. He made no effort to speak to us. Does he treat all his fans that way? He sure lost my respect. Hope the rest of you don't treat your fans like that. I use to like your show alot. I was really HURT!
ReplyDeleteI know when the show first started, everyone was pretty much accessible and greeted the customers. However, I know they have had bad experiences with customers being rude. However, it is also bad to be rude to the customers as well.
Deleteyo ire a las vegas en julio y quiero saber si chumlee, rick, el viejo y corey estaran porque yo veo mucho el programa y me gusta mucho solo que de verdad quiero saber si ellos estaran en la tienda y si puedo vender unos objetos que tengo.
ReplyDeleteme gustaria conocerlos.
You never know when Corey, Rick, Chumlee or the Old Man will be in the store. Usually, they will not be on the sales floor.
DeleteMost of the time, they will not have customer interaction when buying little things, they let their staff handle those items. If it is strange or expensive, then maybe they will show up.
ooh muchas gracias de echo son unas monedas de los juegos olimpicos de mexico y tengo tambien otras que son un poco mas viejas que las de las olimpiadas.
ReplyDeletelas quiero vender, pero si se trata de las monedas si cabe la posibilidad de que los vea o noo?? porque me gusta demasiado el programa y me encantaria conocerlos
???????sii los podre ver?
ReplyDeleteWent in to the Pawn Shop last week on my trip to Vegas,I was not impressed at all.The guy at the counter wouldn't even look at my Oscar Tickets of John Travolta's he was very rude. I was expecting a lot more..........
ReplyDeleteI used to like Pawn Stars, I thought it was a real show about a real family. Now I don’t even think there related, just actors playing a role. My friends and I went to Las Vegas last week and while we were there each of us took turns going to the Pawn shop to see if the guy’s would show up. Every time one of us went we would ask if the guy’s were in and every time the guy at the door would say yes. However, once inside the people at the counter would tell us the opposite which brought us to the conclusion that there all just actors. If your planning to go to Las Vegas to see the Pawn Stars save yourself the time standing in just another line to see a small out of the way souvenir store.
ReplyDeleteYou said it, the proof is in the show it’s self. It looks nothing like the Pawn shop in Vegas. I think all they do is shoot the outside of the building and do the rest of the show in sum studio in LA.
DeleteIs question is for Dan. Are you some kind of promo man for the show?
DeleteYou call those guy’s actors, that’s a laugh, actors would be ashamed to be placed in the same category as the Pawn stars.
DeleteWhen the show first started, almost all the "stars" were at the shop full time. I saw the Old Man several times, along with Corey and Rick. Never have seen Chumlee.
DeleteHowever, as the show grew in popularity, the crowds grew and they also began to get quite rude, which I have seen. They demanded pictures,autographs, that the "stars" personally look at the stuff they wanted to pawn.
As far as the the store, it is the same as on the show. However last year, they did an addition, which made the store much bigger. However, most of the stuff was just souvenirs like t-shirts, water, coins and whatever else they sold. We used to buy WII games and videos but they no longer sell those things. They basically sell jewelry, coins, some guns, swords, and the unusual stuff. But they don't sell electronics or tools, stuff you normally see in a pawn store.
No, anon, not at all. I've been to the shop maybe 5 times, I get nothing from them nor do I have anything to do with them. I also have ripped them several times when I felt it was needed. I just happened to find a niche that some people like.
ReplyDeleteall I can say is walk into the store with any of the "unusual" items it shows them buying and they will laugh you out of there. It is very misleading and the people that I have seen working there are very rude.