With very little fanfare from the Wisconsin press and Wisconsin bloggers, the QEO bit the dust thanks to Diamond Jim Doyle and the legislative Democrats when Doyle signed the budget.
"The 2009-11 state budget abolishes school districts' ability to cap salary and benefits package costs. Signed Monday by Gov. Jim Doyle, the budget repealed the Qualified Economic Offer, known as the QEO, which has been in place since the 1993 state-mandated revenue limits. It was a way for schools to control costs by limiting increases in employee packages to 3.8 percent annually. They could offer more than 3.8 percent but weren't required to do so." http://search.wisconsinrapidstribune.com/sp?eId=100&gcId=9556578&rNum=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wisconsinrapidstribune.com%2Fapps%2Fpbcs.dll%2Farticle%3FAID%3D2009907020620&siteIdType=2
When I was a teacher in Wisconsin, I had mixed feelings about the QEO. It helped hold down school costs and hold down taxes. On the other hand, it just singled teachers. What will happen now, is that taxes will either go up to pay for the increased salaries of teachers or teachers will be laid off and there will be more kids in each classroom.
So, Wisconsin, you get what you vote for. Higher taxes and lowering of the quality of education.
For Nevadans, a QEO for all government employees would be a good thing to hold down expenses in this time of recession and lower tax revenues.
A History Lesson
59 minutes ago
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