Harry Reid says Sharron Angle is extreme, but today, we found out that Harry Reid is much more extreme than Sharron Angle.
Most people know many Democrats want to give amnesty to illegal immigrants. That's a no brainer and they will do it one piece of legislation at a time.
Harry Reid is in favor of the Dream Act, an amnesty program for mostly younger people, especially the college aged kids. For more information: http://lasvegasbadger.blogspot.com/2010/07/harry-reid-completely-wrong-on-illegal.html
Now, Reid wants to schedule a vote in the Senate on the Dream act. From The Las Vegas Sun: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced plans Tuesday to hold a vote on a measure that would let young immigrants who came into the United States illegally become citizens – bucking a long-held Democratic strategy that immigration reforms should be dealt with as a comprehensive package.
The DREAM Act would allow young, undocumented immigrants who attend college or enroll in the military – provided they came to the U.S. before age 16 and have lived here for more than five years – to obtain green cards and ultimately, citizenship."
Harry Reid is a gift that keeps on giving to Sharron Angle. Scheduling a vote on amnesty for illegals now is just plain stupid, politically. They won't have the support of many Senate Democrats, except the very liberal Democrats. Any Democrat who is a tight race won't vote for this, unless they they want to commit political suicide.
Further, Harry Reid must be tone deaf. People in Nevada don't want amnesty of any kind, including the Dream Act. How will the Dream Act benefit Nevada? It won't. It will hurt though. These people will take away jobs from people who live here legally. It will take away college spaces away from people who live here legally.
These people are here illegally and they should not get any extra benefit just because they go to school or join the military. It's nice they want to better themselves, but they should do it their home country or get in the back of the line like everyone else who is here illegally. Yes, it is true, they are being punished for their parents sins, but you know what, that happens in the U.S. all the time. When a parent commits a serious crime, we don't let them off because they have kids. They go to jail, even though it may break up the family.
I sure hope Sharron Angle is smart enough to exploit this and show just how extreme Harry Reid is.
Update: Reid is going to put this bill in the Defense Bill, according to CNN: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday he will add the DREAM Act, a controversial immigration measure, to a defense policy bill the Senate will take up next week.
The decision means the defense bill, which often passes with bipartisan support, will be home to two major, thorny political issues – the other being the repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
Just despicable.
"Catholic" or Ummmnnnhhh.....What?
3 hours ago
The DREAM Act - forget anchor babies, this is creating anchor adults.
ReplyDeleteGreat point, it is. Just curious why Reid tinks this is a winning issue.
ReplyDeleteFunny, we have not heard from Harry' kid about this as it will sure add to the expense of the state government.