Thursday, September 16, 2010

Meet the Superintendent Candidates: Dr. Jim Browder

Dr. Jim Browder is a candidate for CCSD superintendent. Apparently, he is also a candidate for the the Edison Education System. Dr. Kenneth Walker, longtime President of Edison State College has been talking to Dr. Browder about heading up the school's Edison Education System. A school that will eventually train students from kindergarten through college.
Read more:
Lee County Schools have about 80,000 students in it's district.
The school is about 50% white, 28% hispanic and 14% black.
It's budget is about $1.42 billion dollars, or about $17,750 per child.

His latest evaluations were above average from the school board, averaging 2.81 out of 3 points:
Dr. Broward started a policy in which teachers cannot talk to students via Facebook and Myspace. For me, that is good.
There's not a lot of negative news about Dr. Browder and it appears he gets along with the union ok.
For whatever it is worth, he is white.

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