Another week in Las Vegas where are getting into the silly season of politics. School is in full swing, nights are getting longer and soon it will be Autumn. If you want to get into the pawn business in Las Vegas, E-Z Pawn is hiring and is having a job fair tomorrow. http://sales.jobs.net/j/sales-job-fair_J8G36W62Y5405JV3H18.aspx
Two new episodes on Pawn Stars.
In the first episode, the first guy brought in a 1966 "Yesterday" butcher Beatles album. It was the Yesterday album with a picture of the Beatles with baby parts. The guy wanted $2100 to start with. Rick offered $1200 and then $1250 and that was the selling price. WOW!!!!
The next lady brought in WWII ear flag with 48 stars. It was called a Garrison flag. It was quite large and it is something you see on flag poles. The flag was designed by a 17 year old kid. Rick's offer was $150 and she took it right away.
The next guy brought in a Antique watchmaker's tool. I think they had a watchmaker tool set in an earlier episode. Time for the expert. Ferdinand came in (we've seen him before) He says the tool set from before 1900 and it was a novelty. Rick offered $20 and it was no sale.
The next came in with Col. Sander's suit, from the real Harlan Sanders, of KFC. The guy wanted $40,000. Rick didn't make an offer because he didn't know how much it would sell for.
The next guy brought in a document signed by Grover Cleveland, whose face is on the $1000 bill. Time for a autograph specialist. Not like Hard Core Pawn, where they are the experts. Anyways, Dana came in and said the signature was Cleveland's. The guy wanted $250 and Corey offered $100 and that was selling price. No haggling.
The next guy brought in a punch ball punching game. You hit it like a punching bag and measures your strength. The guy wanted $1000. Corey offered $600 and the $650. So they battled to see what price it will sell for Corey vs the owner. The owner won, kicked Corey's butt and the price was $700.
In the second episode, the first guy brought in a dragster, like a top fuel- not funny car. The top speed is 190 mph, so not too fast for a dragster. The guy wanted $30,000 for the dragster and the trailer. Time for an expert and they were going down to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. The expert was Mark. It is a Super Comp dragster. The dragster is going to need work and certification. They took the dragster to the drag strip at the LVMS. That is no easy feat. They have to open it up and have EMS and rescue truck people to stand by, not to mention other employees. Yeah, that will cost a few more bucks. The LVMS has NASCAR races, a drag strip, a road course and a short track. It is across the street from Nellis AFB and the jets fly over the race track daily. It's pretty awesome place to be. But back to the dragster. Rick test drove the dragster at about 20mph down the drag strip. The guy wanted $25,000 and then $18,000. Rick offered about $11,000 but there was no sale.
The next guy brought in 4 Japanese land mines- real ones. It's a training set. They were not explosive. Time for Mark, from the Clark County Museum. Mark's beard is getting bigger. He said a grenade was missing. The guy wanted $2500 and then $2000. Rick offered $800 and was firm and that was the selling price.
The next brought in a high wheel bicycle- the front wheel is huge with a tiny back wheel. The guy wanted $1500 and the Old Man offered $150 because it was not an original and there was no sale.
The next lady brought in a Wonder Bread Howdy Doody advertisement. It came from the late 50's. The lady wanted $500 and the Old Man offered $125 and then $100. And it for $150- the lady got the Old Man to come up- not bad.
So, another week of Pawn stars is over Enjoy the week.
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