Monday, July 1, 2013

I'd Have A Lot More Respect For The Gay Community If So Many Didn't get Dressed Up Like This:

From the Chicago Gay Pride Parade

I'm pretty sure many in the gay community feel the same way.


  1. how provincial... why cannot they dress as they feel like? and you are from Vegas? I doubt it!

  2. Anonymous:

    How provincial! You're tolerant? I doubt it!

  3. I am from Vegas why else do I name the Blog Las Vegas Badger? For the hell of it?
    They have every right to dress the way they do and pose in front of the cameras and I have every right to think they are ape shit crazy.

  4. Good morning,

    I found your site while perusing for my own photos from the parade. I was interested in your choice of photos in which to mock. For both informational and opinion-oriented purposes, I feel inclined to point out the following:
    1. It’s a parade. The people photographed are not dressed like this while shopping at the local Target. Yes, it may seem absurd to dress in this manner on an average day, but this celebration calls for costumes, fun, and games.
    2. Your wording states that such spectacles would offend the gay community. Two of the three people focused upon in the photo are straight. One female being married with children. So on behalf of straight people, I apologize for offending the gay community.
    3. I am bewildered by this photo choice, amongst all the extravagant costumes or near nudity portrayed within the plethora of alternate parade photos. With a rhetorical undertone, “What is particularly offensive about this one photo?”
    4. Lastly, and most importantly, thanks for posting me more throughout the Internet. Should the adage “All publicity is good publicity” apply here? I think I look awfully cute.

    Take care!
