Thursday, July 4, 2013

My Guess: More Transgender Teen Boys

From the San Fran Chronicle: California lawmakers approved a bill Wednesday that would require public K-12 schools to let transgender students choose which restrooms they use and which school teams they join based on their gender identity instead of their chromosomes.
Some school districts around the country have implemented similar policies, but the bill's author says AB1266 would mark the first time a state has mandated such treatment by statute....
California's bill would give students the right "to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities" based on their self-perception, regardless of their birth gender....
Opponents said the state is going too far if it permits opposite-sex students to use restrooms and locker rooms.
"It is not all about discrimination. Elementary and secondary students of California — our most impressionable, our most vulnerable — now may be subjected to some very difficult situations," said Republican Sen. Jim Nielsen.
Parents, school administrators and school board members would have no say over students who identify themselves as transgender and enter shower rooms or bathrooms used by the opposite sex, Nielsen said, warning that the privilege could be abused by youthful sex offenders.
"Think about the millions of California parents and students who at the least would be extraordinarily uncomfortable with what this bill would impose upon them," Nielsen said.
Sen. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, and Sen. Rod Wright, D-Inglewood, each said that male athletes who are mediocre in competition against their own gender could game the system by competing against female athletes.
You know there will be days when some boy with raging hormones will dress up as a girl and then demand to be allowed into the girl's bathroom and shower rooms, and no one will be able to stop them.
Further, this violates the rights of the straight kids in school.  Why should they be forced to fear about worrying if an opposite sex student all of a sudden shows up in the bathroom or locker room?
What transgender people do on their own time, is not a problem of time, but they completely lose my support when they demand that others bow down to them and force them to play their little game.
As far as I am concerned, the transgendered are offered too many protections.  For instance, a male may come to a job interview dressed as a man and on the first day of work, they dress as a woman and the employer cannot do anything about it.
I'm sorry, while in public, you go to the same bathroom as your genitals are, especially in school.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I know that was a quote from the SF Chronicle and not your own words, but California is not the first state to enact this law. It's been state law in Oregon since 2009. And guess what? Nobody's been abusing it.

    Here's why: A boy who decides he wants to go pee with the girls cannot simply show up in a dress one day, exclaim that he is transgender, and demand the right to use the girls' bathroom/locker room. The laws state that a child must be allowed to use the accommodations of the gender they are CONSISTENTLY and PERSISTENTLY presenting as. Living for several months as a female, including name, hair style, clothing, in and out of school, is going to be way too much of a commitment for some horny boy. He's much more likely to just try to sneak into the girls' room when nobody's looking.
