Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Holy Crap, Don't Mess With A Golden Eagle

A golden eagle captures a young sika deer in the  Russian Far East. The rare attack was captured by a camera trap set up by the Zoological Society of London and Wildlife Conservation Society.

Photo credit: Linda Kerley, Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Photo: Linda Kerley, Zoological Society Of London (ZSL)
From the San Fran Chronicle: There’s just three photos covering two-seconds, but they are very rare since they capture an event not seen before: A golden eagle swoops onto the back of a sika deer, drives it to the ground and (not photographed) kills it.
"I saw the deer carcass first as I approached the trap on a routine check to switch out memory cards and change batteries, but something felt wrong about it. There were no large carnivore tracks in the snow, and it looked like the deer had been running and then just stopped and died." said lead author Linda Kerley of the Zoological Society of London, who runs the camera trap project.
"It was only after we got back to camp that I checked the images from the camera and pieced everything together. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.”
Geez, I fee sorry for the deer and I am sure it tasted good for the Eagle, but that is one big Eagle and you don't want to mess with it.  That bird probably take down a WWE wrestler as well.

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