And now, another reality show based on Las Vegas. This show, Las Vegas Jail on Tru TV, is situated in the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC) It's located in downtown, in the City of Las Vegas, about a mile from the Gold-Silver Pawn Shop on Pawn Stars.
In the first scene, they catch a boyfriend and girlfriend in the same bathroom about to have sex. Then they were showing a guy who had female underwear on.
The CCDC is a multi-story facility that is scary from the outside. You can hear the inmates in the recreation area, perhaps, yelling and screaming, and for an innocent person like myself, that was not pleasant to listen to.
Las Vegas and Clark County, have many different jails in the County, along with a State Prison by Indian Springs and Cold Creek, on Hwy 95.
O.J. was held in a special cell in CCDC along with other special people that have busted in Las Vegas.
One lady was in jail for open container, which seems hard to believe. Then they put another lady in the holding chair and joined another inmate in a chair. Another arrestee is a pregnant prostitute. Well, at least she won't have to be worry about being pregnant from turning tricks.
I noticed they have TV in the booking room. Yep, life is rough in CCDC. They also have TV's and recreation areas in the regular jail.
CCDC is fairly overcrowded and they just finished building a new jail across the street from Nellis AFB but it stands empty because they cannot afford to open the jail. Since I live less than a mile from the prison, I hope it stays closed, but then if Obama wants to hold the Gitmo prisoners trials, what better place than Las Vegas than Las Vegas? Hell, we can take bets on the outcomes of the trial and even have an over/under on the time it takes to get a verdict. And since it is across from Nellis, if there is a rebellion, well the fighter jets can handle the problem.
The officers in the show seem like they are social workers and talk with each inmate. Considering they have hundreds of people come through each day, they don't have the time to talk each prisoner. If they did , maybe they are overstaffed.
The one thing that bothered me is that just about prisoner in the show was white. Considering the demographics of Vegas, I find it hard to believe they could not not find a Hispanic person to video.
For the Las Vegas viewers, it was funny that one of the advertisers is from a bail bonds company. Another advertiser was Metro and CCDC (one in the same) encouraging people to apply to be an officer in Las Vegas.
In the second episode, they bring in a naked spitter. Drugs and booze are a wonderful thing.
If you are ever considering working in CCDC, they are always advertising for correctional officers. They make good money and get a lot of overtime. Unless you are in booking, it's pretty much a babysitting job, making sure people don't get into fights, passing out food, dealing with psychos.
They nailed a 20 year old prostitute who says she has been prostituting since at least age 16. She says she won't be back. Right. She was arrested for trespassing, so my guess, she was busted in a casino.
I noticed that one officer was wearing a badge of her badge. Metro has lost 3 officers this year and another federal court official was murdered last month.
I noticed that an inmate was wearing the basketball uniform shorts of the high school I teach at.
They had another male inmate who was belligerent and it appeared that he was angry that his daughter was in a wheelchair. After he came down from his high, he was much calmer. He is also been laid off for 18 months. Sometimes people just do snap.
Another lady was brought in for domestic violence and was saying her mom was dying. There are a lot of people stressed out in Las Vegas right now. Unemployment is over 13%, we have the worst foreclosure rate in the country and people just are not doing as well as before. Thus, people are stressing out and crime is increasing, considering we are losing people who are moving out the area. Then she got a note from a trustee who wanted to hook up with her. Not a good idea, especially when you put your name and jail number on the note.
I have to say, that the biggest drawback on the show is that is doesn't show reality. First, most inmates are not white and most officers are not social workers. If they continue to show mostly white inmates, all I can say is that the show is practicing reverse racism.
All I can say, is that I knew no one on the show and it is not a place I want to be.
Welcome To 2025
3 hours ago
This show is awesome! I still haven't seen anyone I know on it, but man are those officers patient. I would lose my cool enduring what they do. I've never seen anyone mistreated (then again, the cameras are rolling, and editing occurs), so I have a lot of respect for the Clark County Detention Center staff.