Lately, the Pahrump Valley Times "newspaper" and it's editorial board show that either are clowns, crack heads, they think their readers are stupid or they are trying out to be writers for comedy series, like "The View". Whatever the reason, they just are not very smart.
This week, they come out saying that President Obama will win the 2012 in a landslide. But their reasoning is at best childish and at worst, their reasoning is intellectually challenged.
Some gems from PVT editorial: Lest you think our prediction of Obama’s victory is because of some liberal bias — yes, this is the media, but, no, that’s not it — we wish and wish again for a real candidate to compete with this president, even beat him, if they can. Obama is a formidable political foe, and only by bad luck, and a really pathetic inheritance from the last occupier and chief, has his presidency been less than stellar.
Umm, editorial board, you say this is not media bias but yet you repeat the same lines the liberals give us everyday. BTW, Obama has been in office for 3+ years, when does the economy become his?
More liberal BS: Apparently having an ego bigger than Romney’s four mansions is the only requirement for running for the Republican nomination. That’s too bad. Ahhh, yes, class war fare, another liberal argument.
Did the banks foreclose on Republican family values, too? Is the powerful evangelical wing of the GOP really ready to back a Mormon for president?
Ok, the PVT is now engaging in religious bigotry. Umm, PVT, have you seen a poll that shows that conservatives are against Romney because he is a Mormon? Perhaps, the PVT editorial board are really the bigots.
More examples of Mormon bigotry: The more the American people hear about Romney, listen to him, watch him, the more disturbed they become by this incredibly wealthy, cardboard, out of touch Mormon man who actually has the audacity to believe the American people ...
Really, why is the PVT editorial board so obsessed with Romney's religion? Does the editorial board scruntize Obama's religion? Did the PVT call Harry Reid the Mormon candidate, or do they just bring it up for presidential politics?
The crack head writers of the editorial board just look at the GOP candidates. Of course, they forgot to realize the most important aspect of politics "It's the economy, stupid", as President Bill Clinton liked to say.
More stupidity:’s the time for a showdown between the country’s greatest intellectual giants, who understand the needs of real Americans. The country needs two people who can win. Instead we have one who WILL win, and another who WILL lose, and lose fantastically,.. Seriously, we don't have two intellectual giants in the race? Really? Gingrich was a college professor and wrote several books, almost the same as Obama, who was a college professor in Chicago and who wrote just one book. Romney who has run several companies and was governor. These guys are not intellectual and Obama is? Really? Tell me, PVT editorial writers, where do you get your crack? Recently there have been several drug busts in Pahrump and Nye County and now that your supply has been cut off, your brain is down to 5 brain cells due to withdrawal and using crack.
What is sad about the PVT editorial board is that they are a very liberal gang but they are afraid or shamed to admit it. Why would they be ashamed to be liberal?
Perhaps the editorial board needs to get some courage and admit they are liberal, otherwise, they are just a bunch of cowardly editorial writers who want to be anonymous and hide behind their computers, cowering in fear that they may be exposed as being liberal.
Being crack heads is quite sad, just ask the editorial writers at the PVT, as they know first hand.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
5 hours ago
AMEN. The PVT can't write to save their life. Even in court this past week, Judge Lane make a comment on how stupid this paper is and it is poor journalism!
ReplyDeleteI know. They keep asking me why I read their content. It's for comedy relief. But I also just found out I have more readers than they do. I am ranked around 400,000 in the U.S. web sites and they are well over 700,000. Hmm, who would have thought.
DeleteThats great to hear. I love reading yours and wouldn't pay a dime for theirs!
ReplyDeleteA "brian cell?"... Or a brain cell.
ReplyDeleterepublicans are amazing at being outraged and never seeing anything won't with their leaders. Bush ran government for 8 years and destroyed the economy. now it's rebounding thanks to obama.
As for using religion against a candidate... How about quoting obamas reverend?
Get real. Are dems perfect, no. but the reps are far worse, holding the country hostage over the debt ceiling after they raised it without a problem ten times during bush term. Cmon open your eyes ffs. Dems make mistakes too that's why I'm independent. Rep dumb down their messages and repeat them until the stupid masses hear it so much they believe it as fact. Watch the daily show once to see how bad it is.