The Las Vegas Sun has come out with an editorial decrying the recall election of Ald. Steve Ross of Las Vegas.
From the Sun: We have disagreed with Ross and his positions over the years, and we were critical of his actions when he voted despite his conflict of interest. However, we have seen nothing in this campaign that rises to the level of a recall. This is a dispute over a councilman’s position and a decision he made — not something so terrible that demands his immediate removal from office.
There is a larger point: If this recall is successful, it will send a chilling message to elected officials across the valley. But elected officials may be hesitant to take positions that conflict with the views of wealthy residents and business owners who could fund a recall campaign. That’s not the way the country is supposed to work.
Voters elected people to represent them for a term, and they expect those officials to make decisions. In Ross’ case, he was re-elected to the City Council in 2009 to represent the people of Ward 6 and, yes, he made some decisions that angered some of his constituents. However, he has one year left on his term, and if the residents of Ward 6 don’t like him, they’ll have an opportunity to toss him next year. Until then, Ross should be allowed to finish the term he was elected to serve.
So, you have a very liberal newspaper making the case against recall elections that easily could have been written for the Wisconsin recalls.
If you substitute Steve Ross's name with Scott Walker's name, do you think the Sun would have the same view?
Nah, I didn't think so.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
4 hours ago
Come on Dan, you don't expect consistancy from liberals do you?