Here is a little known secret- not all Nevadan's are against Yucca Mountain ad storing nuclear waste in the State.
Of course, liberal blow hards, like Crybaby Harry Reid, whose mind is severely deteriorating, is against it and some other politicians are also against it. And the Las Vegas Sun parrot their position:
The federal blue-ribbon panel on nuclear waste issued its final report Thursday, saying the nation should use a “consent-based approach” in searching for a new place to store the nation’s waste, giving communities and states a greater say in the process.
Hear, hear.
That would be a welcome and drastic change in the way the issue of high-level nuclear waste has been handled in this country. For nearly three decades, the federal government and the other states have tried to make Nevada a nuclear waste dump, putting politics ahead of sound policy.
Nevada has never wanted high-level nuclear waste and vigorously opposed the federal government’s overreaching efforts, yet some members of Congress have crusaded to open a dump at Yucca Mountain, 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas, because they want nuclear waste out of their backyards.
Well, the people who live closest next to Yucca Mountain are not against storing waste in their Counties. Lincoln and Nye county politicians want Yucca and the jobs that come with it. And if Nevadans are given a choice, I suspect most will say to allow the waste here. After all, we already are storing nuclear waste in Nevada and we are doing it safely. And Yucca will employ thousands of people, but I guess to the mentally challenged, Crybaby Reid and those of his ilk, that doesn't matter.
But to those out there, just remember, not every Nevadan is against Yucca Mountain, just those who have a political agenda or are uninformed.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
1 hour ago
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