In a shocking turn of events, President Obama won the Nevada Democratic Party caucus today. The shocking turn of events, you ask? well, at least Obama didn't cheat like 4 years ago when he defeated Hillary Clinton in a caucus that was heavy on scandal within the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign crying foul.
From the LVRJ: More than 12,000 Democrats turned out and 98.3 percent of the elected delegates were awarded to Obama, the Nevada Democratic Party said, with 90 percent of precincts reporting.
What, Obama didn't get 100% of the Democratic Party votes?
The stupid quote of the day comes from Shelly Berkley: Berkley used her father's situation as an example why Medicare and Social Security must be saved from Romney and Sen. Dean Heller, her Republican opponent in their Senate race.
"I sat next to my father with tubes going in and out of him," Berkley said. "And I thought about what would happen if my sister and I weren't here. How would he survive? My dad has Medicare, and he knows he's getting his Social Security check at the beginning of the month."
A large gust of wind interrupted Berkley's speech when hail hit the cafeteria's metal roof.
"I'm either getting applause or that's hail," Berkley joked. The crowd laughed.
No, Shelley, that was Mother Nature telling you to shut up.
What does your father having Social Security and Medicare and you and your sister being there with him have to do with him getting better? There is no correlation between the two. That quote just doesn't make any sense whatsoever, thus making this the stupid quote of the day.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
1 hour ago
You've confused me, Dan. I caucused for Obama in 2008, but Hillary won. ??? And how could you possibly cheat at a caucus?