If the Packers win tomorrow against the New York Giants, you will have the Packers vs the San Francisco 49ers.
I wonder if the politicians will make a fun bet like the usually do?
Scott Walker for Wisconsin betting against Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown of California. Or better yet, Walker betting Nancy Pelosi, who represents San Francisco. Scott Walker is on the far right side while Brown and Pelosi are the extrme left.
Suggestions on what they should bet?
Maybe they will bet dairy products. If Walker and the Packers lose, Walker will give Moonbeam cheese and milk products and be classy.. If the Packers win, Moonbeam and/or Pelosi will probably give Walker the poop that comes out of the cow's butt and lack any dignity. But many liberals really don't care about dignity, do they?
But if it comes to pass, it certainly will be interesting, but first things first, the Packers have to win.
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19 minutes ago
if the 49rs lose to the packers they will probably send some wisconsin cheese that they label made in california back to us