Sunday, October 14, 2012

White House Throws Hillary Under The Bus: What Will Bill Do?

This could get interesting.
From Michelle Malkin:
At last night’s debate, Joe Biden said “we weren’t told” that the Benghazi consulate had requested additional security in the days leading up to the attack on the 9/11 anniversary. Today the White House is making sure everybody realizes that by “we,” Biden was referring only to the White House and not the administration as a whole. The ball of blame has been overhead smashed back to Hillary Clinton’s side of the court:
Ben Rhodes, President Barack Obama’s deputy national security adviser for communications, extended the claim Oct. 11 by telling told Foreign Policy magazine that neither Biden nor President Barack Obama knew of the growing danger.
“Biden speaks only for himself and the president and neither of them knew about the requests at the time,” Rhodes said, according to Foreign policy.
“These kinds of issues are handled in the State Department by security officials,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said during Friday’s press briefing.
Security matters “are decided at the State Department,” he said…
And there goes Hillary under the bus. In other words, “the buck stops here with her.”
So, if Hillary did get thrown under the bus by Obama and Biden, will Bill Clinton defend his wife against the administration?  Will he stop campaigning for President Obama?
Or will Obama make an offer Bill cannot refuse (like firing Hillary and allowing her to stay at home more often with Bill) and will he bite the bullet, shut up and continue to campaign for Obama?
It will be interesting to see how this plays out because you are dealing with 4 people (Obama, Bill, Hillary and Joe) who have super big egos and no will admit they are wrong.

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