Kudo's to John Smith of the LVRJ for not bowing to the line that Kenny Cherry aka Kenny Clutch, the thug rapper who helped kill a taxi driver and his passenger.
From the LVRJ: The bullet Kenny Cherry Jr. courted left the barrel years ago.
It arrived early Thursday morning on Las Vegas Boulevard and put the 27-year-old hustler with delusions of grandeur in the national spotlight for half a news cycle.
While police investigated leads and identified a suspect in the shooting, Cherry's father, Kenneth Cherry Sr., held a news conference Saturday and defended his son, calling him a victim and a good kid who only played a tough guy in YouTube videos.
Cherry Jr. called himself "Kenny Clutch," and published reports have referred to him as an "aspiring rapper" who delivered uninspiring ditties via YouTube that celebrated a thug life teeming with pimps, whores, drugs, guns and money.
He knew plenty about all of that. According to court documents, Cherry was a stone pimp who beat his women and spent the money they earned turning tricks in Strip casinos. He was fond of weed and narcotic cough syrup and his reflection in a nightclub mirror....
Cherry had a few minor brushes with local law enforcement - speeding tickets in which he gave the officer a California driver's license with an Oakland address - but his lack of convictions in Nevada don't tell the story. Despite having no visible means of income, he drove a Maserati and stayed in a $2,900-a-month condominium at the Metropolis at 360 E. Desert Inn Road.
Maybe knowledge of his job slipped the mind of his attorney Vicki Greco when she told a reporter Cherry was no gang member and, "He was a loyal, dependable friend, and we at the law firm will miss him."
Yeah, he was a real charmer. But I'm not sure whether the mother of one of his children would agree. Before she ran away, Mr. Dependable Friend pimped her out and beat her often....
In high school, she excelled in softball and was an A student. After graduating, she earned an associate's degree at a nearby community college and took university classes, but in 2008 she met Cherry through a friend.
After encountering him again at a Strip nightclub, she struck up a relationship she didn't imagine would lead to a life of prostitution in Las Vegas. Maybe it's because the rapping Cherry seemed so generous, so loyal and dependable.
"He promised me the world and I believed every bit of it," she recalled in 2012. "He invited me to move to Las Vegas and 'check it out.' I felt like I had nothing else solid going on and figured it might be fun to live someplace else. I was naive. I had faith and confidence in him and that he wanted a future with me. I did not know at the time that my future would consist of prostituting myself, getting beaten up by Ken on a regular basis, and being arrested and going to jail 27 times.
" I don't know how to explain how it happened in a way that would make sense to anyone. He said it was 'no big deal' and 'easy money.' "
Before long, she was working six nights a week. Her evening quota was $1,500. Come home without it and face the consequences.
"Kenny took every penny I made," she said....
She wrote that Cherry, "physically assaulted me, pushing me into walls and hitting me. I packed up some belongings and drove back to my family ... Along with the physical abuse, he has consistently been verbally abusive during our relationship."
It shouldn't have been surprising. That's what pimps do to their women. The former couple also sparred legally over custody and visitation issues involving their young daughter.
It's likely Greco would know something about that. She not only represented Cherry, but according to court records she also was the woman's criminal lawyer. Maybe it slipped the attorney's mind while she was grieving over the loss of Mr. Dependable Friend. http://www.lvrj.com/news/don-t-cry-for-kenny-clutch-an-affliction-waiting-to-happen-192829941.html
As I wrote a couple days ago, a friend of mine in the know, knew Cherry/Clutch was a pimp. You don't make that kind of money Cherry/Clutch by selling drugs on the Strip, you do it my pimping out women.
While it may hurt the family that cherry/Clutch is no longer on the earth, I think the women Cherry/Clutch pimped out are celebrating the freedom they now have.
Meanwhile, the liberal Las Vegas Sun runs an article glorifying this thug: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2013/feb/23/family/
"Oldest Ally" Betrayed Your Grandma
6 minutes ago
The women he was pimpimg out are getting pimped by another pimp believe that! You no nothing of that young man an your article is terrible.
ReplyDeleteSo, John Smith was lying and the court documents from his former girl friend were false and she perjured herself?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't believe but thanks for sharing your side.