From the Las Vegas Sun: A smoking habit could cost you a job opportunity at a hospital or other medical facility under legislation proposed by Sen. Joe Hardy, R-Boulder City.
It’s currently illegal for an employer to discriminate against employees who use a product — such as tobacco — outside of work that does not affect job performance or the safety of other employees. Hardy’s measure, Senate Bill 87, would repeal that law.
“It would appear that this would allow an employer to not hire an employee who smokes or drinks,” the Nevada Taxpayer’s Association said in a recent newsletter.
At a legislative hearing Wednesday, Hardy plans to introduce an amendment that would allow hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, home health and other medical facilities to specifically factor someone’s smoking habit into hiring decisions made after June 30.
Under the amendment, other employers would remain prohibited from basing decisions on an employee’s smoking habit.
“The theory is that when you’re in the hospital, you don’t want someone next to you who is smoking while you’re sick,” said Hardy, who is one of two physicians in the Legislature. (The other is Assemblyman Andy Eisen.) “Patients who smell smoke many times have problems with the reaction to it.”
Renown Health, a Nevada-based health care company, is working with Hardy on the bill. The company wants to factor smoking into its future hiring decisions but does not want any current employee to be fired for smoking, said Fred Hillerby, lobbyist for Renown.
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So, a person smells of smoke while working with a patient- then don't allow smoking on your property
In Nevada, you cannot discriminate against men dressing as women or vice versa or a criminal unless the law the criminal broke is directly related to their work and yet you want to discriminate against smokers who have not broken the law.
I am not a smoker, never have been but I have common sense, unlike this RINO Hardy. But I heard Hardy was related to this person:

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