The Milwaukee Brewers are really known for two things, Bernie Brewer and the Racing Sausages- they really are not known for baseball all that much.
But the other day, one of Sausages was stolen and partied in a few bars.
From jsonline:
Guido, the Klement's racing Italian sausage costume last seen a couple weeks ago adorning a bar hopper in Cedarburg, was returned Wednesday night after a day of media focus.
The hot sausage reportedly was dropped off at TJ Ryan's bar in Cedarburg.
Two men - one wearing a hoodie pulled tight over his face - lugged the larger-than-life link into the bar just before 8 p.m. Wednesday, plopped him on a bar stool and warned staff, "You did not see anything," said bartender Jen Mohney.
"Like I didn't just see two guys plop a sausage on a bar stool," Mohney said.
Mohney said the two left in less than a minute and she immediately called police.
The theft of the $3,000 costume was no laughing matter for the Cedarburg Police Department. Whoever it was from the department who answered a phone Wednesday night dryly responded to questions, saying, "I'm not allowed to comment on an ongoing investigation."
The costume was stolen during the city's annual Winter Festival.
Until Wednesday night, the 7-foot get-up had been last seen Feb. 16. At a fundraiser at the Milwaukee Curling Club's new Cedarburg location, a witness saw the sausage walk out the south door about 7:45 p.m., Cedarburg police Detective Jeff Vahsholtz said. The Italian sausage walked into TJ's an hour later and also made an appearance around midnight at The Roadhouse Bar and Grill. http://www.jsonline.com/news/ozwash/after-a-night-of-barhopping-in-cedarburg-the-racing-italian-sausage-is-missing-am8uuq1-193584041.html
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