Matt "Jerry Sandusky" Ward is a pot smoking hack "journalist" over at the Pahrump Valley Times, a city that is about an hour's drive from Las Vegas. Pahrump must be Ward's hell as it is a pretty conservative town and despite Ward's efforts, most people are not buying Ward's attempt to turn people liberal.
Ward has a hatred of conservatives that I really have not seen anywhere in the news media. He resorts to calling people of Pahrump and disagrees with names in the newspapers like a teenage bully in a kindergarten class. He thinks since he has the ink, he thinks he can bully people but he has a thin skin, as been shown here when he comments here on the blog.
So, now Ward is on a personal crusade...again... against the Nye County tax assessor.
From the PVT and Matt Ward:
Nye County’s tax assessor was ready to get back to work Thursday after two of her computers were returned after being confiscated by the FBI last week.
Shirley Matson became embroiled in the latest controversy after it was revealed she had taken a package addressed to the FBI without authorization on Oct. 9 from the county’s outgoing mail receptacle in her office.
It’s unclear what, if anything the FBI may have discovered on Matson’s computers, or whether she faces any federal charges.
What is certain, however, is that the return of her computers doesn’t end her latest troubles — not by a long shot.
Emails obtained by the Pahrump Valley Times between Matson and numerous county officials sent after the incident in her office threaten to create more problems for the assessor, exposing her and also the county to a variety of potential new headaches.
After last week’s visit from the FBI, Matson lashed out in an electronic tirade against various officials and even employees in her office. In numerous emails, Matson doesn’t just name the employees, but appears to single them out for retaliation. One employee, who suffered a major medical episode recently and hasn’t been at work, was also named, singled out and accused of abusing county sick leave policies.
The tirade potentially violates all kinds of county personnel policies, potentially breaks federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) rules, and may leave Matson open to a variety of state ethics charges.
First, is Ward an expert on HIPPA and county work rules? No, he is not. He could have gotten an opinion from an expert in the field but he chose that opnion himself with out any expertise or facts to back him up.
Second, her legal have not ended, by a long shot? Who determined this? An expert? Nope, Matt Ward decided this and it is his opinion alone.
And through supposed e-mails, she exposed Nye County to legal problems? again, this is an opinion not fact. If he called up an expert, say a lawyer not involved in the case, he may have some creditability but Ward gave his opinion.
More: Innocuous enough so far? Maybe. But then in bold, italics and underlined language, Matson blasts the county’s human resources head, Danelle Shamrell, “about being an obstructionist to my decision, she has no authority in that Assessor’s office.”
"Innocuous so far?" is legitimate news reporting? "Innocuous" is an adjective and of course adjectives describe something- like Ward's opinion.
Finally, why did Ward have to write this article, considering his severe biases against Matson and conservatives? Are there not any other reporters at the PVT? Actually there are many quite capable reporters there but Ward just wants to go out and humiliate the tax assessor himself.
Ward really, really needs to reread, if he ever read it in the first place, the Society of Professional Journalists ethics page in which it states: Distinguish between advocacy and news reporting. Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.
But then again, Ward isn't a professional journalist, so ethic's code probably doesn't apply to him.
Random Riddle: A Starting Word
6 hours ago
Rumor has it that the liberals Brian Kunzi and Matt Ward are trying to get Matson out of there for the benefit of Judge Wankers lover so he can take her spot. Also, Rumor has it it wasn't the FBI. Per Matson only people who flashed badges real quickly and no search warrant came in with the Sheriffs office. This whole town STINKS!!!