Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Pro Football Picks: Week 9

Last week, I put out my picks for week 8 of the NFL season and I went 3 and 2, which isn't too bad considering when I listen to ESPN radio, some of their "experts" only went 1-4 or 2-3.
So, here are my picks and feel free to comment on them or make your own predictions:
Favorite         Point Spread       Opponent    My Choice       Results
Kansas City          3                     Buffalo       Kansas City    win
Tennessee             2.5                  St. Louis      St. Louis  loss
Seattle                   16                   Tampa Bay   Seattle  loss
New England        7                    Pittsburg      New England  win
Baltimore              2.5                 Cleveland    Baltimore  loss
Green Bay             12                   Chicago       Green Bay loss

So, here are my picks and of course, this is for entertainment purposes.
Update: I went 2 wins and 4 losses, so I am now 5 wins and 6 losses for the past 2 weeks.  Still not too bad compared to some "experts".


  1. I'll go with:

    New England
    Green Bay

  2. Well, you got me by 1 and you went 3-3, nice job.
