On Feb. 14th, Jon Ralson of the very liberal Las Vegas Sun supposedly broke a story how a Tea Party candidate was going to challenge Harry Reid for the U.S. Senate. Well, very few bloggers and newspapers, other than the Sun reported on this and I, your humble blogger, to the best of my knowledge, is the only blogger who called BS on this right away and in another post.
Well, since that alleged story, Jon Ralston still has not reported on the story in the Las Vegas Sun. He has not reported the story on his blog. (http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/ralston/) (only read this if you have a strong stomach.)
There has been no interviews, comments or blogs by the supposed candidate. There have been no news releases by the Nevada Tea Party.
There is no evidence whatsoever that there was ever going to be a candidate for the Tea Party to challenge Harry Reid.
This was just a trial balloon by the Reid campaign, coordinated with the Jon Ralston and The Las Vegas Sun to see what would happen.
Jon Ralston ought to be fired for making up stories and the Las Vegas Sun should print an apology because Ralston works for them and is a regular columnist for them.
Clearly, the Las Vegas Sun is the campaign spokespersons for Harry and Rory Reid. The Reids must have some embarrassing pictures of the editor, Brian Greenspun, for them to be so blatant in their support of the Reids. Hell, even other Democrats in the state don't get that much support from the Sun.
So, Mr. Ralston, you are a liar and your writing career should be over. If you were a conservative writer, your career would be over for sending out false press releases, but since you are a liberal, you are given a pass, but not from me. So, do all of us a favor and either put up the information you tried to pass as news or resign. I would be happy if you prove me wrong.
Selling Fear
1 hour ago
Apparently they started their own "tea party" just to make sure that it siphons votes from the "real" Republican.