Monday, December 6, 2010

Kathy Griffin Booed

Kathy Griffin, proving once again that she has as much class as pond scum on a settling pond at a water treatment plant, got booed by service members when she ripped on Bristol Palin.

And once again, military personnel showed they have the class and the courage to boo the bitch.

h/t Charlie Sykes


  1. Dissing Kathy? Heresy! She is of a brand of comedy that is not for all tastes. But I dig her. And Bristol Palin has thrown herself into the fray, is an adult, and as such is fair game for comedians now.

  2. I don't mind the Bristol joke. It's old and really not funny. What I found objectionable is when she said war is hell to service people. I think the service people know what war is like. I don't think Griffin knows what real war is like.
