From Fox News: The unemployment situation across America is bad, no doubt. But for African-Americans in some cities, this is not the great recession. It’s the Great Depression.
Take Charlotte, N.C., for example. It is a jewel of the “new South.” The largest financial center outside of New York City, it's the showcase for next year’s Democratic National Convention. It was a land of hope and opportunity for many blacks with a four-year college degree or higher.
According to an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute, in Charlotte, N.C., the unemployment rate for African-Americans is 19.2 percent. If you add in people who have given up looking for jobs, that number exceeds 20 percent, which, according to economists Algernon Austin and William Darity, has effectively mired blacks in a depression.
“You’re looking at a community that is economically depressed in my opinion,” Austin said. “And we need action that will address that scale of joblessness.”
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But yet, the Black community for the most part will not hold the Democrats and Obama responsible. Where is the outrage at the Democrats?
But the Democratic Party has used and abused the Black Community and nothing is said.
If the white population had 20% unemployment, there would be riots in the streets and every politician would be voted out of office.
The Black community needs to ask why Obama doesn't visit the inner cities of this country? When was the last time Crybaby Reid was down in the MLK and Bonanza neighborhood in Las Vegas? How about Shelly Berkley? If they do show up, they just wamt to collect donations for their campaigns.
The only other reason Reid, Berkley and most other Democrat politicians go down to the economically depressed areas of communities is to make sure their slave voters are in line with their plantation owners (politicians). The plantation owners know that they own the Black community and are positive there will be no revolt by their slave voters.
That really is a shame because the people who are hurt economically are the ones who are addicted to the Democratic Party and their lead plantation owner, President Obama.
Don't Let the Door........
43 minutes ago
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