John McCain is about as useful to the Republican as much as a pedicure is to an elephant. They both look good but they don't do crap.
Today, John McCain threw the House and conservatives under the bus. Again.
From the Las Vegas Sun: Sen. John McCain of Arizona raised Angle’s ire for quoting a Wall Street Journal editorial Wednesday that went to town on members of the Tea Party, calling them “hobbits” for holding up Republican resolutions to raise the debt limit, as well as Democratic ones, and naming Angle as one of the worst products of the movement.
“What none of these critics have is an alternative strategy for achieving anything nearly as fiscally or politically beneficial as Mr. Boehner’s plan,” McCain read. “The idea seems to be that if the House GOP refuses to raise the debt ceiling ... the public will turn en masse against Barack Obama. The Republican House that failed to raise the debt ceiling would somehow escape all blame.
“Then Democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced-budget amendment and reform entitlements, and the Tea Party Hobbits could return to Middle Earth having defeated Mordor,” McCain continued, still quoting. “This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into GOP Senate nominees.”
John McCain got his butt by President Obama in part because the country was tired of George Bush but also because McCain is King RINO.
It's a shame that Arizona voters returned him to office in 2010. McCain is nothing but a sell out and a pig in sheep's clothing.
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
1 hour ago
Yeah, but McCain recanted before the great and mighty Sean Hannity.
ReplyDeleteWho's Hannity?
ReplyDeleteREALLY? Ape-like creature on FOX "News?" Kinda looks like Lou Costello? Has a tendency to count off talking points on his chubby fingers? Used to have a co-host that looked like a cricket? That guy. McCain grovelled before him, and mostly took back everything.
ReplyDeleteOhhh, that's Hannity.