When GOP former District Attorney David Rogers up and quit, he opened the door for an unelected liberal Democrat to become the District Attorney for Clark County, at least for the next 3 years or so.
In the running for the DA job is a Democratic political leader, a defense attorney and a County attorney.
From the LVRJ: Three finalists were chosen Friday from a pool of seven candidates to become the county's next district attorney.
They are Drew Christensen, county director of appointed counsel; John Hunt, former Clark County Democratic Party chairman; and Steve Wolfson, Las Vegas city councilman and defense lawyer. http://www.lvrj.com/news/finalists-for-district-attorney-post-christensen-hunt-wolfson-136863468.html
Because the Clark County is 100% made up of Democrats and most are liberal Democrats, we are going to be given a DA who is going to be liberal and/or not qualified, especially in the case of John Hunt who should not even be considered- Hunt must have applied as a practical joke on someone. But elections have consequences and Clark County is going to be stuck with a liberal DA.
But there are some jobs liberals just are not qualified for. Being a District Attorney and prosecutor are not jobs for liberals, otherwise you will have a bunch of coddling of criminals instead of punishing those who have broken the law. Most Liberals just don't have the heart or brains to be a tough DA or prosecutor.
On the other hand and to be fair, there are jobs conservatives should not have. One is a social worker and perhaps a therapist, as seen in this film clip.
The lake and the marsh.
3 hours ago
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