Brian (The Coward) Greenspun is the editor of the almost nonexistent newspaper, the Las Vegas Sun. Greenspun is a mental midget and fortunately, he only writes one editorial once a week, which is more than enough time to show how ignorant he really is.
From today's editorial from Coward Greenspun:
Big Bird lost, Mitt Romney won.
That’s the consensus of those
who watched the presidential debate in Colorado this week, and I have to
agree. Whatever President Barack Obama thought he was doing during the
90-minute debate at the University of Denver, what he did was allow
those who tuned in to witness the Romney that so many of his friends and
supporters have said he was all along, but whose actions and words on
the campaign trail had screamed just the opposite.
Well, at least Greenspun agreed that Romney won the debate
By contrast, I am not sure the voters will have any confusion about
President Obama. He has always struck me as a cautious man, a person not
particularly comfortable under the lights and a president confident in
what he has achieved yet not particularly facile enough to toot the horn
of his accomplishments in sound bites sufficient to win an America
anxious to find a winner.
Obama doesn't like to toot his own horn? Are you kidding me? That's all Obama has done for the past 4 years.
In the case of Big Bird, “Sesame Street” has been the classroom for
the youngest among us. And that yellow, feathered bird has become one of
the most recognizable icons for children, evoking smiles and
encouraging learning for multiple generations. He represents an
opportunity for early education that is the primary source of preschool
learning for millions of American families at a time when research
affirms that early education is crucial for future success.
for some, PBS represents a place where government has no place. The
reasoning goes like this: If the public can’t afford or won’t support
this kind of programming, no matter how crucial it may be for early
childhood development or later adult enjoyment, then financial
assistance at any level from government is an unwarranted interference
in the free marketplace. And, therefore, it must die along with all the
big and little birds on the payroll.
And if we can be so heartless in dealing with the life of all the good
that PBS represents, then killing substantive programs that Americans
have relied on for generations — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,
aid to dependent children, student loans for college, school lunch
programs, education — will be an easy next step.
So, Romney not only wants to cut off funding to PBS but also eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, student loans etc.
How do you go from cutting funding from PBS, which and especially Sesame Street which makes hundreds of millions of dollars, not only through the show but also marketing and products, to cutting social programs? Only a moron and mental midget would suggest that the two are the same.
This is the problem with liberals- they operate on feelings and not intellectual thought. This is one reason why the Democrats were blown out of the water in 2010 and will again in 2012, even if Obama wins re-election.
Coward Greenspun is a huge supporter of Crybaby Harry Reid and they share many things in common, including senility, as Coward Greenspun editorial shows. Some people just ought to shut up and put down the pen.
Icy lakeshore — afternoon.
7 hours ago
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