Sunday, April 14, 2013

Apple Doesn't Fall To Far From The Tree

From the Houston Chronicle:  Hey, Robin Prince, write your mother. She's aching to hear from you.
The only time Prince writes, his mother says, is when he's in a jam. Now he's in the biggest jam of his life. Late last month, a Houston jury sentenced him to 50 years in prison for fatally slashing his former girlfriend's throat.
Carolyn Bailey isn't expecting good news from her son, nor is she looking for a letter's speedy arrival. She has time to wait. At 56, she is serving a 50-year state prison in Gatesville for fatally smashing her ex-boyfriend's head with a 40-pound concrete block.
Prince's conviction for the September 2009 murder of Christina Lewis, a 30-year-old mother of three, was the low point in a life of crime. In his 40 years, Prince has been convicted of more than 20 offenses and sentenced to almost eight years in state prison.
For Bailey, word of her son's conviction was just more bad news for a family afflicted by hard times and untimely ends. Bailey, who was convicted in the June 2000 murder of Curtis Maserang, says she was only 3 when a relative killed her father. One of Prince's siblings, she adds, died of a heroin overdose.
Family of the year award winners?  Nope, unless the Manson family is the only family competing against them.

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